OeEB promotes energy efficiency in Turkey
OeEB and KfW Entwicklungsbank have provided support to Turkish Sekerbank with a joint credit line of EUR 20 million for the provision of energy efficiency loans to its clients. EUR 10.8 million was made available by OeEB.
Special loans for energy efficiency investments
Rising energy demand and energy costs in Turkey have made efficiency investments a necessity. Sekerbank, which specialises in the financing of micro-, small and medium enterprises (micro- and SMEs), can now expand its portfolio of loans in the area of energy efficiency due to the cooperation with OeEB and KfW Entwicklungsbank.
Such projects are important due to the fact that the possibility of receiving credits to finance energy efficiency projects in Turkey is currently limited. There is also a lack of know-how for the realisation of energy-saving potential. Special credit instruments granted by Sekerbank to micro- und SMEs and households close a funding gap and therefore support nationwide energy efficiency. This secures sustainable energy use.
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