2 May 2007 Wednesday
Law No. 5627 Adoption
Date: 18/4/2007
Purpose, Scope and
1 – (1) The purpose of this Law is to increase efficiency in using energy
sources and energy in order to use
energy effectively, avoid waste, ease the burden of energy costs on the economy
and protect environment.
2 – (1) This law covers principles and procedures applicable to increasing and
promoting energy efficiency in energy generation, transmission, distribution
and consumption phases at industrial establishments, buildings, power
generation plants, transmission and distribution networks and transport,
raising energy awareness in the general public, and utilizing renewable energy
Outside the scope of this Law are those buildings which would have to change
characteristics or appearances at an unacceptable level upon the implementation
of measures for increasing energy efficiency, are used for operation and
production activities in the industrial areas, are used as worship places, have
less then two years of scheduled period of utilization, are used less than 4
months in a year, have less than fifty square meters of usable area, those
buildings or monuments under protection, agricultural buildings and workshops.
3 – (1) The following terms shall have the following meanings:
Ministry means the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources,
General Directorate means the General Directorate of Electrical Power Resources
Survey and Development Administration,
Board means the Energy Efficiency Coordination Board,
Public Sector means collectively the public agencies and institutions,
professional organizations of the nature of a public institution, universities
and local governments,
Chambers of profession means the chambers of electrical and mechanical
Company means energy efficiency consulting companies to be issued an
authorization certificate to provide energy efficiency services under the
authorization agreement concluded with the General Directorate or authorized
Authorized institutions means the chambers of profession and universities
authorized by the General Directorate upon the approval of the Board to conduct
activities of training, authorization and monitoring under the authorization
agreement concluded,
TOE means Ton Oil Equivalent
Waste means used tires, paint sludge, solvents, plastics, waste oils approved
by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry as fuel and other waste,
Building owner means the beneficial owner of the building, or the holder of
usufruct if any, or in absence of both, any party acting as if the owner,
Industrial establishments means, except for the licensed entities engaged in
electricity generation, those which have one thousand TOE or more of total
annual energy consumption, operate in affiliation with a chamber of commerce
and industry, chamber of commerce or chamber of industry, and produce any
Energy identity certificate means the certificate that includes information on
the minimum energy requirements, energy consumption classification, insulation
characteristics, and efficiency of heating and/or cooling systems of a building,
Energy efficiency means reducing the energy consumption without causing any
decline in the living standards and service quality in buildings, and
production quality and quantity in industrial establishments,
Audit means works consisting of data collection, measurement, assessment and
reporting phases conducted to identify possibilities to increase energy
Energy efficiency services means consulting, training, audit and implementation
services on energy efficiency,
Energy intensity means the amount of energy consumed to produce one unit of
Energy manager and certificate means the person who holds an energy manager
certificate and is in charge of carrying out activities relating to energy
management in the industrial establishments and buildings covered under this
Law, and the certificate issued to energy managers by the General Directorate,
authorized institutions and energy efficiency consulting companies,
Energy management means training, audit, measurement, monitoring, planning and
implementation activities in order to ensure efficient use of energy sources
and energy,
Payback period means the period of time in which the investment outlays needed
in the projects the industrial establishments prepare, or procure the companies
to prepare, in order to increase efficiency in their existing systems are
recouped through savings projected in the projects,
Cogeneration means simultaneous generation of heat and electric and/or
mechanical energy in the same plant,
Implementation agreement means an agreement made by the companies to realize
the implementation of measures identified by audits,
Burning facilities means those facilities where fuels are burned and associated
parts, and heat producing facilities including waste gas systems,
Authorization certificate means the certificate issued to universities and
chambers of professions under the authorization agreements by the General
Directorate upon the approval by the Board in order to engage in training,
authorization and monitoring activities, and to the companies by the General
Directorate, chambers of profession or universities to engage in training,
audits, consulting and implementation activities.
Board and Authorizations
Energy Efficiency Coordination
4 – (1) An Energy Efficiency Coordination Board shall be established to carry
out energy efficiency studies within all relevant organizations all over the
country, monitor its results and coordinate efforts. The General Directorate
shall monitor the implementation of decisions made by the Board, and
secretariat services.
The Board shall, under the chair of the assistant undersecretary in charge of
the General Directorate, consist of senior representatives, one from each of
the Ministries of Interior, Finance, National Education, Public Works and
Housing, Transport, Industry and Commerce, Environment and Forests, the
Ministry, the Undersecretariat of the State Planning Organization, the
Undersecretariat of Treasury, the Energy Market Regulatory Authority, Turkish
Standards Institute, Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Institution,
Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Markets, Turkish Union of Chambers of
Engineers and Architects, and Turkish Association of Municipalities.
The Board shall have the following functions, authorities and responsibilities:
Prepare national energy efficiency strategies, plans and programs, assess their
effectiveness, coordinate their revision as necessary, taking and implementing
new measures.
Steer energy efficiency studies carried out by the General Directorate, approve
the authorization certificates issued by General Directorate to chambers of
profession and universities in promoting energy efficiency services.
Approve the implementation projects prepared, or procured through the
companies, by the industrial establishments which wish to benefit the practice
under subparagraph (a) of the first paragraph of Article 8 and subparagraph (a)
of the first paragraph of Article 9 and voluntary agreements under subparagraph
(b) of the first paragraph of Article 8, and monitor results of the
Establish ad hoc specialty commissions by the participation from the relevant
public agencies and institutions, universities, private sector and civil
society organizations, with expenses covered from the General Directorate's
budget, under the functions assigned to the Board and where it deems necessary.
Set the agenda of, and identify the participants in, the advisory committee
meetings organized by the General Directorate every November by the
participation of authorized institutions, companies, chambers of profession in
the nature of public institutions and civil society organizations, and approve
proposals for measures.
Set and publish the fees for authorization certificates and energy manager
certificates every January.
The Board shall ordinarily convene four times a year in March, June, September
and December. Further, where the Chairman of the Board deems necessary, it may
convene extraordinarily. The quorum for meeting is two thirds majority, and
resolutions shall be passed by the majority of those present. Where votes tie,
the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
The Board Chairman and members shall be paid, from the General Directorate's
Budget, attendance allowance for each day of meeting not to be more than four
times a year, at the amount found by the multiplication of (2.000) index figure
by the public servant's salary coefficient for those who hold a public
function, and (3.000) index figure times the public servant's salary
coefficient for those who do not hold a public function.
5 – (1) Authorizations for the performance of energy efficiency services, and
activities in this context shall be carried out under the following principles.
Actions for authorizations and authorization certificates are as follows:
Universities and chambers of profession shall be issued authorization
certificates by the General Directorate upon the Board's approval for
conducting practical training and authorizing the companies. Such certificates
shall be renewed every five years unless procedures and principles as defined
in this Law and associated regulations have been or are violated. Actions
relating to authorization certificates issued to the companies by those
institutions whose authorization certificates have not been renewed shall be
handled by the General Directorate until the expiry.
The companies shall be issued authorization certificates by the General
Directorate and/or authorized institutions for carrying out training, audit,
consulting and implementation activities. Such certificates shall be renewed
every three years unless procedures and principles as defined in this Law and
associated regulations have been or are violated. The companies shall pay to
the institutions or organizations with which they made authorization agreements
the entire amount of the authorization certificate fee, and a portion not to be
more than ten percent of the energy manager certificate fee as determined by
the Board.
The authorized institutions and companies shall be announced to the public by
the General Directorate.
The General Directorate, authorized institutions, companies and their officers
acting on behalf of them are obliged to keep confidential the business secrets
which they come to posses during their works relating to energy efficiency and
which might damage business relations of their clients. Those under such
obligation of confidentiality may not use such confidential information to
their own benefits or third party benefits.
The General Directorate and authorized institutions shall carry out the
following activities:
The General Directorate or authorized institutions issue authorization
certificates to the companies, carry out training and certification activities
for energy managers.
The authorized institutions shall monitor the activities of the companies to
which they have issued authorization certificates, and report within thirty
days to the General Directorate any matters violating the provisions of the
regulation to be issued by the Ministry for the implementation of this Law.
The General Directorate shall prepare or procure to prepare training programs,
contests, short films and/or cartoons for awareness raising and information to
be broadcast in television and radio channels.
Authorized institutions shall submit an annual activity report to the General
The companies shall have the following functions:
Carry out training, certification, audit and consulting activities under
service contracts made with industrial establishments, building owners or
Prepare projects for implementing the measures identified by energy efficiency
Implement changes according to the projects under implementation agreements and
guarantee energy savings quantity.
Submit an annual report to the authorizing institution.
A company which fails, in the presence of the representatives of the relevant
industrial establishment and the authorizing institution, to prove the
guaranteed commitment for the energy saving quantity under the implementation
agreement made by measurements prior to and after the implementation shall be
announced in the Internet website by the authorizing institution. The
authorization certificate for a company which fails three such commitments
shall be revoked with a possibility of renewal one year later.
The quantities of savings under the implementation agreements proved by the
companies by measurements shall be announced in the Internet website by the
authorizing institutions.
A regulation to be issued by the Ministry shall lay down the principles and
procedures for the issue of authorization certificate, qualifications required
of institutions and companies to be authorized, matters relating to
authorization certificates and energy managers, and authorizations, activities
and functions under this Article.
Training, Awareness
Raising and Implementations
Training and awareness raising
6 – (1) Training and awareness raising activities shall be carried out under
the following principles to promote effectiveness of energy efficiency services
and energy awareness.
Within the framework of procedures and principles laid down by the regulation
to be issued by the Ministry:
Theoretical and practical training programs shall be organized for the
companies by the General Directorate and/or authorized institutions, and for
the energy managers by the General Directorate, authorized institutions and
The General Directorate or authorized institutions shall provide laboratory
support to the training programs of the companies with which they have
concluded authorization agreements.
In order to provide theoretical and practical information on the basic concepts
relating to energy and energy efficiency, the general state of energy in
Turkey, energy sources, energy generation techniques, efficient use of energy
in daily life, importance of energy efficiency for climatic changes and
environmental protection, the Ministry of National Defense conducts classes and
training programs in military high schools and inductee training centers, and
the Ministry of National Education shall make necessary arrangements in the
course programs of formal and adult education institutions, and the public
agencies and institutions shall make arrangements for their in-service
The following activities shall be carried out to raise awareness of the general
public for efficient use of energy.:
Television and radio channels making national and/or regional broadcast shall
broadcast training programs, contests, short films and/or cartoons prepared or
procured to prepare by the General Directorate between 07.00 and 23.00 hours
not to be less than thirty minutes in total in a month under the awareness
raising and information training programs pursuant to Article 31 of the Law
no.3984 dated 13.04.1994 on Establishment and Broadcast of Radios and
Legal entities which sell electricity and/or natural gas under licenses shall
offer the information on their consumption quantities and the corresponding
costs for the previous fiscal year on a monthly basis to their customers in the
Internet environment.
Producers and importers shall include a separate section for efficient use of
appliance in terms of energy consumption in the user guide of appliances which
must be sold accompanied by a user guide in Turkish as determined and announced
by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. The enforcement of this provision
shall be supervised by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.
The General Directorate shall organize an Energy Efficiency Week in the second
week of every January in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education,
Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Institution, Turkish Union of
Chambers and Commodity Markets. Activities in this context shall be identified
by the Board.
7 – (1) The following Implementations shall be realized to increase energy
The following activities shall be carried out for energy management:
Industrial establishments shall nominate one of their employees as the energy
manager. An energy management unit shall be established in the organized
industrial districts to serve industrial establishments in the district each
with less than one thousand TOEs of energy consumption.
The management, or in its absence the owners, of commercial buildings, service
buildings or public sector buildings with at least twenty thousand square
meters of construction area or with annual energy consumption at five hundred
TOEs or more shall appoint an energy manager or procure service from energy
In the industrial establishments not in the public sector and with annual
energy consumption at fifty thousand TOEs or more, an energy management unit
under the charge of the energy manager. Those industrial establishments which
have a quality management unit in the organization may appoint such unit as the
energy management unit.
Principles and procedures relating to the functions and responsibilities of the
energy managers and energy management units shall be laid down in a regulation
to be issued by the Ministry. Principles and procedures relating to appointing
an energy manager in the schools under the Ministry of National Education shall
be laid down in a regulation prepared in cooperation with the Ministry and
issued by the Ministry of National Education.
The following activities shall be carried out for monitoring, analysis and
projection studies:
The General Directorate shall, in cooperation with authorized institutions,
prepare and issue inventories and future projections for the development of
energy efficiency in the country, industrial establishments and buildings by
region and sector, and the General Directorate shall prepare and issue the
annual reports containing facts and assessments for the public sector.
Industrial establishments and the owners and/or management of buildings which
must employ an energy manager shall submit the required information to the
General Directorate, and those public agencies and institutions which must
employ an energy manager shall submit the reports in the format laid down the
General Directorate and containing energy consumption information and own
assessments by the end of every March. Industrial establishments shall allow
access for the General Directorate for on-site examinations.
Buildings with a central heating system shall use systems that allow the
distribution of heating costs based on the quantity of heat consumption by
central or local heat or temperature control devices. Projects prepared
contrary to this shall not be approved by the relevant authorities.
A regulation to be jointly prepared by the Turkish Standards Institute and the
General Directorate and issued by the Ministry of Public Works and Housing
shall lay down the principles and procedures for the energy performance in
buildings that covers norms, standards, minimum performance criteria, data
collection and control procedures on architectural design, heating, cooling,
heat insulation, hot water, electrical installation and lighting to be used in
buildings used for residential purposes with total construction surface areas
as indicated in the regulation, commercial buildings and service buildings. In
case of acts contrary to the provisions of the regulation, the relevant
administration shall not permit the utilization of such buildings.
An energy identity certificate shall be issued under the construction projects
prepared according to the regulation to be issued by the Ministry of Public
Works and Housing. The energy identity certificate shall, as a minimum, have
the information on the building's energy requirements, insulation
characteristics, efficiency of heating and/or cooling systems, energy
consumption classification. The other information that must be included in the
certificate and procedures and principles relating to the practice including
the renewal of the certificate and existing buildings shall be laid down in a
regulation to be jointly prepared with the Ministry and issued by the Ministry
of Public Works and Housing. For buildings outside the adjacent areas and with
less than one thousand square meters of construction surface area, it is not
mandatory to have an energy identity certificate.
A regulation to be issued by the Ministry shall lay down the principles and
procedures relating to increasing energy efficiency in the electric energy
generation plants and transmission and distribution networks, demand side
management, utilization of waste heat in thermal plants, open area ligthing
encouraging alternative fuels such as biofuel and hydrogen.
A regulation to be jointly prepared with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and
issued by the Ministry of Transport shall lay down the principles and
procedures relating to reducing unit fuel consumption of vehicles manufactured
in the country, raising efficiency standards in vehicles, generalizing mass
transport, installing advanced traffic signalization systems for increasing
energy efficiency in transport.
During the studies conducted at industrial establishments and buildings, it is
mandatory to use devices calibrated and labeled by accredited national or
international organizations.
Permission shall not be granted for the sale of those boilers and burners in
the burning facilities, apartment heaters and combination boilers which do not
meet the minimum efficiency thresholds specified by the regulation to be
jointly prepared with the General Directorate and issued by the Ministry of
Industry and Commerce.
Principles and procedures for the classification and minimum efficiency
specification of electric motors, air-conditioners, electrical home appliances
and light bulbs shall be laid down in a regulation to be jointly prepared with
the General Directorate and issued by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce,
and those not meeting the minimum thresholds shall not be allowed to sell.
Supports and Other
8 – (1) Implementations relating to supporting energy efficiency implementation
projects, reducing energy intensity, and research and development projects
shall be carried out according to the following principles and procedures.
Energy efficiency implementation projects shall be supported according to the
following principles:
Those implementation projects which are submitted by industrial establishments
to the General Directorate, approved by the Board upon the affirmative opinion
of the General Directorate, have a payback period of at most five years, and
cost at most five hundred thousand Turkish liras by the project cost shall be
subsidized up to twenty percent of the cost.
Legal entities with subsidized efficiency increasing projects shall implement
such projects in their establishments within two years. Applications exceeding
this time limit or implemented differently than the project shall not be subsidized.
Implementation reports containing pre- and post-implementation information and
images shall be submitted to the General Directorate. The General Directorate
shall inspect the implementation results on site.
Principles and procedures relating to subsidizing the implementation projects
for increasing energy efficiency shall be laid down in a regulation to be
issued by the Ministry.
The following applications shall be realized for reducing energy intensity:
Twenty percent of the energy costs shall be paid for the year of agreement for
the industrial establishments owned by natural or legal persons who make
voluntary agreements with the General Directorate committing to reduce the
energy intensity at least ten percent on the average within three years for the
undertaking and who keep such commitment, considering the budgetary means and
not to exceed one hundred thousand Turkish Liras.
Those natural or legal persons who, in their undertakings, keep their
commitments under the item (1) of this subparagraph, but increase their energy
intensity in later years may not make a second agreement with the General
Energy generated by those natural and legal persons, who conclude voluntary
agreements, from the energy consumed in the industrial establishments, in the
heat and electric energy conversion facilities by modern waste burning
techniques, in the cogeneration facilities described in the subparagraph (a) of
the first paragraph of Article 9 and manufactured in the country or generated
using hydraulic, wind, geothermal, solar and biomass sources shall not be taken
into account in the calculation of energy intensity.
Changes in energy densities in the industrial establishments without voluntary
agreements owned by natural or legal persons who own more than one industrial
establishment shall be separately examined by the General Directorate.
Qualifications required in the industrial establishments for which voluntary
agreements shall be concluded, methods of calculating energy intensity and
other principles relating to voluntary agreements including forces majeures
shall be laid down in a regulation to be issued by the Ministry.
Necessary appropriations shall be added to the budget of the General
Directorate for subsidizing energy efficiency implementation projects and
energy intensity reduction. Appropriations allotted and used for subsidies,
projects subsidized, voluntary agreements, industrial establishments that
reduce or increase energy intensities, training and awareness raising
activities shall be posted in the website of the General Directorate.
The Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Institution shall in priority
subsidize research and development projects for increasing energy efficiency
projects and utilizing new and renewable energy projects; and consult the
opinion of the General Directorate for directing and assessing such projects.
Other implementations
9 – (1) The following implementations shall be realized to increase energy
Those projects which are prepared to increase energy efficiency in the existing
systems of industrial establishments, approved by the Board and have minimum
investment size above the threshold set by the Council of Ministers, and those
cogeneration investments which achieve annual average efficiency values defined
in the regulation to be issued by the Ministry based on the fuel types and
technologies used shall be allowed by the Undersecretariat of Treasury to
benefit from investment incentives.
For small and medium scale enterprises, training, audit and consulting services
for energy efficiency procured by enterprises defined in the Law no.3624 dated
12.04.1990 on Establishment of the Directorate of Small and Medium Scale
Industry Development and Support Administration shall be subsidized by the
Directorate of Small and Medium Scale Industry Development and Support
Administration. Principles and procedures for such practice shall be laid down
in a regulation to be prepared jointly with the Ministry and issued by the
Ministry of Industry and Commerce.
No fees shall be charged for authorization certificates and energy manager
certificates of the companies established by the foundations.
Administrative Sanctions
and Miscellaneous Provisions
Administrative sanctions and
10 – (1) Administrative sanctions within the framework of the following
principles shall be applied to natural or legal persons as a result of fact
finding and/or inspections conducted by the bodies authorized to impose
administrative fines under this Law.
The following cases require administrative sanctions:
Where the provisions of the regulation to be issued relating to authorizations
under Article 5 are violated, the authorization certificates of institutions
authorized according to principles and procedures laid down in the
authorization agreement shall be revoked by the General Directorate upon the
Board's approval, and the authorization certificates of the companies shall be
revoked by the institution with which they have concluded agreements. Those
institutions or companies with authorization certificates revoked shall not be
re-issued certificates for at least five years. Agreements concluded with the
companies by the authorized institutions with authorization certificates
revoked shall be examined by the General Directorate, and those agreements not
meeting the requirements of the regulation shall be cancelled. Those agreements
that meet the requirements of the regulation shall be renewed by the General
Where the information required under Articles 5, 7, 8, and 9 is not provided or
access for examination is denied, thirty days shall be allowed to provide the
required information and/or access. An administrative fine of ten thousand
Turkish Liras shall be imposed if the information provided by the end of the
time allowed is inaccurate or incomplete, or fifty thousand Turkish Liras if
the information is not provided at all and/or the access for on-site inspection
is denied.
An administrative fine of five hundred Turkish Liras shall be imposed where the
other information required under this Law and relevant regulations except for
the item (2) of this subparagraph is not provided accurately and as required.
Those who use to their self interests the trade secrets indicated in
subparagraph (c) of the first paragraph of Article 5 shall be barred from
serving in the organizations covered under this Law for a period not to be less
than two years.
Provisions of the item (1) of this subparagraph shall apply to those companies
which are reported to the General Directorate for having violated the
provisions of this Law and issued regulations under the item (2) of the
subparagraph (e) of the first paragraph of Article 5.
Provisions of the Law no.3984 shall apply to those who fail to observe the
broadcast obligations specified in the item (1) of the subparagraph (c) of the
first paragraph of Article 6.
An administrative fine of five thousand Turkish Liras shall be imposed to legal
persons where the provisions relating to the item (2) of the subparagraph (c)
of the first paragraph of Article 6.
Where the industrial establishments and building owners or management act
contrary to the subparagraph (a) of the first paragraph of Article 7 and
relevant regulation provisions, they shall be warned to remedy the violation.
If the violation is not remedied within thirty days, an administrative fine of
twenty thousand Turkish Liras shall be imposed to such industrial establishments
and building owners or management.
The Ministry of Industry and Commerce shall impose an administrative fine of
twenty thousand Turkish Liras to natural and legal persons who make sales
contrary to subparagraphs (i) and (j) of the first paragraph of Article 7.
Except for the item (9) of the subparagraph (a) of this paragraph, the
administrative fines shall be doubled if the same offense is repeated within
one year from the administrative fine.
Where the amount of fines imposed on the industrial establishments, building
owners or building management pursuant to items (2), (3) and (8) of the
subparagraph (a) of this paragraph exceed twenty percent of the total energy
expenditures of the previous fiscal year or five percent of the revenues in the
balance sheet for the previous fiscal year of the fined natural or legal
person, the lower of the fines shall be assessed as calculated with respect to
both thresholds provided that the balance sheet and energy consumption
documents are shown within thirty days.
The General Directorate shall impose the administrative sanctions unless such
sanctions are to be imposed by another public agency or institution under this
The liability of legal persons for administrative fines shall be determined
according to Article 65 of the Turkish Commercial Code no.6762 dated
Powers of the Ministry
11 – (1) The Ministry is, in addition to the powers listed in other articles,
authorized to:
Ensure, through the Board, the coordination of the enforcement, directing,
monitoring, evaluation of obligations under this Law, planning and implementing
of the measures to be taken.
Reduce to half or increase up to twice the numerical threshold values defined
for the appointment of an energy manager or the establishment of an energy
management unit under the subparagraph (a) of the first paragraph of Article 7.
Reduce to half or increase up to twice the project cost and subsidies provided
to projects under the item (1) of the subparagraph (a) of the first paragraph
of Article 8, and reduce to half or increase up to twice the energy intensity
reduction rate and subsidy amount indicated in the item (1) of the subparagraph
(b) of the first paragraph of Article 8.
12 – (1) The Turkish Armed Forces, the Ministry of National Defense and
affiliated organizations, and the Undersecretariat of the National Intelligence
Organization are exempt from the provisions of the item (2) of the subparagraph
(b) and (e) of the first paragraph of Article 7. Procedures and principles of
implementation regarding the provisions under the subparagraph (a) of the same
article shall be laid down by the said institutions.
13 – Article 2 of the Law no.2819 dated 14.06.1935 on Establishing General Directorate
of Electrical Power Resources Survey and Development Administration,
has been amended as follows:
2- The functions of the E.I.E. Administration are as follows:
Make measurements relating to assessing all energy sources with priority for
hydraulic, wind, geothermal, solar, biomass and other renewable energy sources,
prepare feasibility studies and exemplary implementation projects, develop
pilot systems in cooperation with research organizations, local governments and
civil society organizations, carry out promotion and consulting activities.
Provide awareness raising and training services relating to rational use of
energy in industry and buildings, authorize and inspect universities, chambers
of profession and legal persons to provide the same services, conduct the
secretariat services for the Energy Efficiency Coordination Board.
Monitor, evaluate works made by the relevant ministries and bodies, develop
measures and/or project proposals for effective and efficient use of energy in
transport, electric energy generation plants, transmission and distribution
Monitor and inspect the energy efficiency implementation projects and research
and development projects approved by the Energy Efficiency Coordination Board.
Monitor and evaluate the occurrence of harmful waste and emissions of interest
to the environment from the energy consumption points, prepare projections and
proposals for measures.
Follow and evaluate works and developments on energy in the country and the
world, set research and development goals and priorities for the needs and
conditions of the country, conduct and procure to conduct research and
development studies in this direction, disclose to the public the studies with
economic analyses.
Ensure that all stakeholders of energy access accurate and updated information,
make and update a national energy inventory, establish and operate a national
energy information management center to support the planning, projection,
monitoring and evaluation works.
Develop projections and proposals to utilize domestic and renewable energy
sources and increase energy efficiency.
Make activities to raise energy awareness and utilize new energy technologies
in the general public.
Make coordination between public agencies and institutions, universities,
private sector and civil society organizations for effective and efficient
cooperation on energy efficiency.
Make activities to inform and raise awareness of the general public on energy
related matters.
Cooperate and exchange information with national and international
organizations in other countries.
Form opinions, under the regulation to be issued by the Ministry, for the
applications to obtain licenses for wind energy according to the Electric
Market Law no.4628 dated 20.02.2001 and the Electric Market License Regulation
issued based on this Law.
E.I.E. Administration shall perform its functions under the following
The E.I.E. Administration is authorized to require any information deemed
necessary under its functions from natural and legal persons. Natural and legal
persons must provide the information required. The E.I.E. Administration shall
keep confidential the information and documents that might harm the national
security, safety and economic interests, and business relations of natural and
legal persons.
The E.I.E. Administration may be seconded, upon the consent of the relevant
persons and their organizations, and the approval of the Minister, with personnel
of adequate quantity and qualifications as required for the projects and
research from the ministries and affiliated and associated organizations,
universities and other public agencies and institutions for activities of
preparing projects and other matters in the jurisdiction of the said
Administration that require specialist knowledge. However, the term of work for
the personnel so seconded shall not exceed two years and, in any case, the term
of the project. Where the project term is longer than two years, the term of
work for the said persons may be extended as long as the initial period upon
the approval of the Minister. The personnel so seconded shall be considered at
leave from their parent agencies, and all their remuneration, allowances, pays and
increases and other financial and social benefits shall be paid by their parent
The General Directorate of E.I.E. Administration shall establish and operate
hydrometric measurement stations and make drillings when performing its
functions. A Strategy Development Division shall be established at the center.
This Division shall perform functions listed in Article 60 of the Law no.5018
on Public Financial Management and Control.
Penalties specified in Articles 247 to 266 of the Turkish Penal Code no.5237
dated 26.09.2004 shall apply to offenses against the property and all assets of
the E.I.E. Administration."
14 – The following subparagraphs have been added to the third paragraph of
Article 1 of the Electric Market Law no.4628 dated 20.02.2001.
Cogeneration means simultaneous production of heat and electrical and/or
mechanical energy in the same plant,
Micro-cogeneration plant means any cogeneration plant with installed power
based on electric energy at 50 kilowatts or less,"
15 – The following paragraphs added to the end of Article 3 of the Law no.4628.
relevant regulation shall lay down those natural and legal persons who
establish cogeneration plants in order to meet self requirements only, at
efficiency above the threshold set in the regulation to be issued in the
Ministry, and are to be exempted from the obligation to obtain licenses and
establish companies.
natural and legal persons who establish a production plant, in order to meet
self requirements only, with installed power maximum at two hundred kilowatts
based on renewable energy sources, and a micro-cogeneration plant are exempted
from the obligation to obtain licenses and establish companies.
Agency shall require security for existing generation licenses and license
applications. Matters relating to obtaining security and appropriation of such
securities shall be laid down in the relevant regulation."
16 – The fourth and fifth paragraphs of Article 42 of the Condominium Ownership
Law no.634 dated 23.06.1965 have been amended as follows.
heat insulation, the conversion the fuel system in the heating system, and the
conversion of the heating system from a central system to an individual system
or from an individual system to a central system upon the request of any of the
condominium owners shall be decided by the majority of the number and land
share of the condominium owners. However, unanimous vote by the number and land
share of the condominium owners shall be required to convert the central
heating system to an individual heating system for buildings with a total
construction surface area of two thousand square meters or above. The expenses
for common works on this matter shall be paid in proportion to the land share.
Procedures and principles relating to distributing the heating costs in the
central heating system shall be laid down in a regulation to be issued by the
Ministry of Public Works and Housing.
it is decided to convert the heating system from central to individual or vice
versa, the provisions of the management plan contrary to such decision shall be
considered amended."
17 – Article 6 of the Law no.5346 dated 10.05.2005 on Utilization of Renewable
Energy Sources for Electric Energy Generation has been amended as follows.
6 – The following implementation principles shall apply to legal entities
licensed for electric energy generation and trade from renewable energy sources
under this Law:
Legal persons licensed for retail sale shall purchase electric energy according
to principles laid down in this article from the RES certified plants which
generate electric energy from renewable energy sources under this Law and have
not completed ten years of operation.
The EMRA shall publish every year the information on the quantity of RES
certified electric energy that could benefit from the practice under this Law.
Each of the legal persons licensed for retail sale shall purchase RES certified
electric energy at the ratio of the electric energy quantity they sold in the
previous calendar year to the total quantity of electric energy they sold in
the country.
The price applicable to electric energy to be purchased under this Law shall be
the country average electric wholesale price for the previous year set by the
EMRA. However, this applicable price shall not be less than the Turkish Lira
equivalent of 5 Euro Cents per kWh, and more than 5.5 Euro Cents per kWh.
However, legal persons licensed for renewable energy sources may benefit the possibility
above the threshold of 5.5 Euro Cents per kWh if such possibility does exist in
the market.
in this article shall cover plants commissioned prior to 31.12.2001. However,
the Council of Ministers may postpone such deadline not to exceed two years
provided that such postponement be promulgated in the Official Gazette by
18 – Article 8 of the Law no.5346 has been amended as follows.
8- Where any property owned by the Forestry or the Treasury or under the possession
of the State is to be used to generate electric energy from renewable sources
under this Law, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry or the Ministry of
Finance shall grant permission against a fee, grant lease, establish easement
or give permission of use for the lands to be used for the plant, access roads,
and the power transmission line up to the network. A discount of eighty five
percent shall apply to the fees for permission, lease, easement or permission
of use for the first ten years of the investment and operation periods of the
plants to be commissioned by the end of 2011, access roads and the power
transmission line up to the network. For forest lands, ORKÖY or Forestation
Special Allotment Revenues shall not be charged."
Arrangement of regulations
ARTICLE 1 – (1) Regulations specified in this Law shall be issued within one
year from the promulgation of this Law, and those regulations to be issued by
the Ministry of Public Works and Housing under the subparagraphs (d) and (e) of
Article 7 shall be issued within two years. Until such regulations are issued,
the provisions of the existing regulations not contradicting this Law shall
continue to apply.
Validity of existing authorization
certificates and energy manager certificates
ARTICLE 2 – (1) Authorization certificates that have been issued by the General
Directorate shall remain valid by their expiry. Energy manager certificates
that exist on the date of promulgation of this Law shall be renewed without
fees within one year.
Provision of initial information
for obligations
ARTICLE 3 – (1) All industrial establishments and the owners or management of
buildings that have a total construction surface land of ten thousand square
meters or above in the implementation projects prepared during the construction
phase or in amended projects shall provide the required information to the
General Directorate within three months following the promulgation of this Law
in the format published in the website of the General Directorate within two
months following the promulgation of this Law.
General Directorate's
authorization function
ARTICLE 4 – (1) The activity of the General Directorate to authorize the
companies under the item (2) of the subparagraph (a) of the first paragraph of
Article 5 shall cease to exist if the number of authorized institutions exceeds
ten within two years following the promulgation of this Law. Otherwise, the
authorization activity of the General Directorate shall continue until the
figure reaches ten.
Training and awareness raising
ARTICLE 5 – (1) Arrangements specified in the subparagraph (b) of the first
paragraph of Article 6 shall be fulfilled by the relevant organizations within
two years following the promulgation of this Law.
Provisions of the items (2) and (3) of the subparagraph (c) of the first
paragraph of Article 6 shall be implemented from the end of the first year
following the promulgation of this Law.
Existing buildings and industrial
establishments, buildings under construction and meeting minimum limits
ARTICLE 6 – (1) The subparagraph (c) of the first paragraph of Article 7 of
this Law shall not apply to buildings existing or those under construction and
not granted permission of use prior to the promulgation of this Law for five
years following the promulgation of this Law.
The subparagraph (d) of the first paragraph of Article 7 of this Law shall not
apply to buildings existing or those licensed for construction on the
promulgation of this Law for ten years following the promulgation of this Law.
The requirement to meet the minimum limits indicated in the subparagraphs (i)
and (j) of the first paragraph of Article 7 shall not be required for three years
following the promulgation of this Law.
ARTICLE 7 – (1) For the expressions of Turkish Lira in this Law, the expression
New Turkish Lira shall be applied as long as the money in circulation in the
country is the latter pursuant to the provisions of the Law no.5083 dated
28.01.2004 on Monetary Unit of the Republic of Turkey.
19 – (1) Of this Law;
The item (8) of the subparagraph (a) of the first paragraph of Article 10 shall
go into force to years after the promulgation,
All other provisions shall go into force on the date of promulgation.
20 – (1) The Council of Ministers executes this Law.