11 Şubat 2012 Cumartesi

Energy Efficiency at Turkey

* Turkey has been spending its efforts to promote energy efficiency on
national scale and to foster rapid development of alternative energy
sources. It has substential amount of renewable energy sources. High
priority is given to these sources in order to reduce the energy supply and
to foster greenhouse gas abatement
* A seperate law was enacted in 2005 to encourage the renewables based
on electricity generation within the competative electricity market structure
The Energy Efficiency Law, which aims to increase the energy
efficiency awareness and training and to promote the energy services
activities in the energy market, was put into force in May 2007.
About the 17 per cent of Turkey’s total energy consumption depends on
gas.In the long term,Turkey’s demand and imports are expected to raise
highly.Oil constitutes around 42 per cent of total energy requirements of
the country.Turkey imports about 90 per cent of its oil supplies mainly
from the Middle East Countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran ,Iraq and Syria as
well as Russia.
* Turkey’s port of Ceyhan is the major outlet for Iraqi petrol. The
construction of Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan pipeline has increased the
security of supply and reduced the risk caused by the dangerous
materials carried through the Turkish Straits.As of 2007, around 202
million barrels of oil have been transported by loading 245 tankers
since it started functioning in May, 2006.
* In a very short while, Turkey expects to connect the Kazakh oil to
Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan pipeline ultimately reaching the world markets.
Another major pipeline is Baku-Tblisi-Erzurum natural gas pipeline which
brings Azer Shah Deniz gas to Turkey .This pipeline has been functioning
since early July 2007. A certain part of EU’s fast growing gas need will be
covered while meeting the domestic gas demand of Turkey.
* Turkey-Greece pipeline is the first gas pipeline connection from
South Eastern direction to the European Continent and constitutes
the First phase of the South European Gas Ring inaugrated in
18 November2007.
Russia exports much of its oil through the Bosphorous onto the
Mediterranean Sea and beyond.
* Turkey is also a major hydroelectrical power producer not only for itself but
also for the Middle East, Black Sea and Gulf countries. Further more, oil and
gas exploration studies in the Black Sea gained speed in the last few years.


* Energy is the oldest mutual policy of European Community with Turkey
that has also the most strategic importance.
* As is very well known, EU is formed of mainly industrially developed
countries For this reason, the energy needs of the member countries
increase day by day. Because of this, EU seeks for secure, sustainable,
cheap, healthy, reusable and environmentally clean energy.
Thus,the objectives of EU’s energy policy are based on;
A) the improvement of competitiveness;
B) security of energy supplies;
C) protection of the environment.
* Turkey is a bridge for the transportation of mainly oil and natural gas energy
to EU countries.
* In terms of EU-Turkey cooperation,Turkey tries its best to conform with the
resolutions and regulations of EU to enable a solid cooperation within the
frame work of the objectives of EU Energy Policy.
* Within the framework of this cooperation, Turkey exerts efforts to
harmonise its laws and regulations as required in EU legislations and to
strengthen its role as a transit country for oil and gas from Russia, the
Caspian Basin, Persian Gulf to the EU. This adds to the strategic
importance of Turkey to the EU. Turkey also connects EU with the Middle
East and is an important player in the Mediterranean.
* In this respect,the Italy connection of ITG (Interconnector Turkey-
Greece) Pipeline is the Second Phase of the South European Gas
Ring.For this purpose,intergovernmental agreemet among the
governments of Turkey,Greece and Italy was signed on 26 June 2007 in
Rome. This agreement sets out the general principles of gas delivery
through Turkey and Greece to Italy. The project will turn to be the
Interconnector Turkey-Greece-Italy by 2012.
* Turkey also supports the “Nabucco” gas pipe-line project which starts from
Turkey and reaches Austria via Bulgaria-Romania and Hungary, for which
the Caspian Basin,including Iran, could also be supplier and is collaborating
with the Middle Eastern countries in the project to bring natural gas from
Egypt,Syria and also from Iraq, when the conditions permit, to EU
Countries. Studies for the realisation of this project are well underway
among the respective institutions of the related countries.
* Turkey-Greece gas interconnection has been constructed with financial
support from the EU.
* Turkey has also signed the 2003 Athens Memorandum designed to
create a regional electiricity and natural gas market in South East Europe
and participated in the negotiations held with the aim to make an Energy
Committee Treaty.
* With the construction of the transport terminal hub at Ceyhan in the
Mediterranean Coast of Turkey,natural gas will be transported to Europe
after Russia, Norway and Libia.
* As regards the renewable energy sources, a Law on the use of Reusable
Energy Sources in Electricity Generation was adopted in May 2005 which
drew the necessary framework for the promotion of renewable energy.
* Utilization of clean energy sources like wind, sun, geothermal energy are
also being promoted by the Turkish energy authorities with the aim to
protect the environment, mostly.


* The legislative framework for the energy market in Turkey has changed
rapidly over the last years with affect to harmonise Turkey’s legislations
with the European Union,like privatisation of energy generation,are fully
implemented and cross-border trade liberalised in order to establish an
effectively functioning market.
* “Energy Market Regulation Authority” is liberalising the LPG, oil,
electricity and gas markets for the last 5 years. Liberalisation of the
Turkish energy sector is going on since 2001.
* Consequently, in light of these intense efforts, Turkey is becoming a
crucial hub as a trade center for supplies from the producer regions and
thus, of the strategic importance for the EU’s energy security.
* The required investment to cope with the demand growth in energy
field,utilization of coal and hydro reserves in a sustainable manner is
priority for Turkey.
* On the other hand, Turkey assigns great importance to integrate the
national electricity grid with the UCTE (Union of Coperation for
Transmission of Energy) network and positive progress has been
achieved so far.Turkey is determined to establish competitive markets
and to remain as a strategic actor in transportation and trade of

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