Renewable Energy
Turkey has substantial amount of renewable energy potential and the
utilization rates are growing. Hydro, wind and solar energy resources are
the major portions of renewable portfolio.
Renewable Potentials
Hydro (economic) :160,000 GWh/a.
Hydro (technical pumped) :7,300 MW,
Wind :48,000 MW
Solar :380,000 GWh/a. (equivalent to the annual
production of 56,000 MW natural gas power
plant) solar electricity potential.
Turkey gives significant importance to encourage the energy production
using renewables in a cost effective manner. Renewable targets defined
by Energy Strategy Paper as follows:
30% of total electricity production from renewable energy until 2023,
The whole economically usable hydropower potential of Turkey will be
provided for generating electrical energy until 2023,
600 MW geothermal energy will be implemented by 2023,
20,000 MW wind energy will be in operation in 2023.
Developing of legislative infrustructure in Turkey since 2005 for renewable
caused positive acceleration to the renewable energy investments in
Installed wind power capacity of 18 MW at 2003 increased to 1,300 MW
Hydro power installed capacity exceeded 14,500 MW.
A total capacity of 600 MW solar power plants will be developed by the
end of 2013 by private sector. Licensing prosedure has already been
started for power generation by solar.
Amendment on Law on Utilization of Renewable Energy Resources
for the Purpose of Generating Electricity
10-year guaranteed price has been given for renewable energy sources
as follows:
- Hydroelectric and wind power :7.3 US cents/kWh
- Geothermal power :10.5 US cents/kWh
- Biomass power (including landfill gas) :13.3 US cents/kWh
- Solar power :13.3 US cents/kWh
In the case of the RES licensed corporate bodies, which will be in
operation before December 31, 2015, produce the mechanical and/or
electro-mechanical parts in the country; additional price will be added to
the guaranteed price from the start of operation date of the plant.
Council of Ministers will determine the price and periods for renewable
based power plants after December 31, 2015.
Legislative infrustructure has been also improved to renewable based
electricity facilities developed by the real persons and legal entities up to
500 kW installed capacity is free of license
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