22 Haziran 2012 Cuma

Utilities, Regulation and Smart Metering Summit 2013

FEWER COUNTRIES have changed as dramatically in the past decade as Turkey did.One of the areas where unparalleled change is most evident is the utilities and power industry. It is an impressively large, high-growth sector of the country’s economy.
With a forecasted 6% growth in power capacity demand annually and a brave privatisation programme currently liberalising the market, this booming country is in full swing. Backed by stable economic and political environments, business opportunities abound, placing Turkey’s electricity as one of the most attractive emerging energy markets.
Smart Revolution
But all it’s uncapped opportunities for sustainable growth on all levels of the electricity value chain are only achievable if full advantage is taken from the leading trends overhauling the industry globally. For no other reason, the country is ripe for a smart revolution.
As with other geographies across the globe, the challenges to create the ideal regulatory, technological, commercial and social environments for such changes towards energy efficiency are monumental.
Booming Market
Developed by popular demand, this timely Oliver Kinross Summit reunites the best in the industry to champion the development of the smart energy business in Turkey and the Middle East.
With a speaker line-up composed by a wide-range of senior government representatives, policy makers, local industry leaders and international utilities, plus a technology exhibition showcasing the very latest in smart energy, this must attend summit is packed with the insights you need to understand, enter and operate in this booming market.
  1. Gain exclusive insights into Turkey's new liberalised market as its being shaped
  2. Network with Utilities, Regulators and key industry players from Turkey and the Middle East and join in the energy boom
  3. Understand how the privatisation process is changing the Turkish industry
  4. Learn how Turkey will meet the 6% increase in power capacity demand annually
  5. Discover hidden opportunities in smart meters roll-outs across the region
  6. Unveil what smart technologies and standards will prevail in the region
  7. Meet and discuss Turkey's fast-paced changes with senior government representatives

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