24 Ocak 2012 Salı

General view of Turkey

Total area is about 783 500 km2,
34thbig land in the world.
35 % agricultural, 27 % forest area

Turkey is surrounded by the Mediterranean, Black Sea, Marmara and Aegean SeaLength of coast 8333 kmA administrative divisions : 81 provinces

GDP $ 489 billion
GDP per capita 6 625 US$
Population 70.5 millionPrimary energy consumption: 107 mtoeIn 2020it is projected to rise: 222 m toeVery dependent on foreign energy imports. 75 %

•Electricity Production: 191 TWh
•Installed capacity (MW): 40 836
•Per capita energy consumption: 1.5 toe/yr
•Per capita electricity consumption: 2 692 kWh/yr Energy Intensity(1000$/toe) : 0.36Carbon intensity per capita: 3.3

Feasible potential app.170 TWh/year36 % of potential has been exploited
The possible geothermal heating capacity is 31,500 MWt.(equal to5 million dwellings)
120 000 dewellings and 900.000 m2 green house heated by geothermal,
Proven geothermal electricity capacity is 550 MWe , 29 MW installed
Turkey is geographically well located with respect to solar energy potential.
The average 2640 hours annual sunshine, solar intensity is 3.6 kWh /m²-day.
Solar energy utilization in domestic hot water, collector capacity is approximately 18 million m² and the corresponding annual energy production is 420000 TOE ..
Photovoltaic power installed capacity 1000 kWp.
According to Turkey Wind Atlas wind potential 48 000 MW, There are 333 MWe installed capacity and they generated 355 GWh energy in 2007
50-60 million tons of animal wastes and 50-100 million tons of agroindustry wastes can be used for utilization of energy ,15 million tons of forest residues and 5,4 million ton of plant and animal wastes are used for utilization of energy

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